France is Calling! Gascony this Fall!


Cher Lectours! (Dear Readers!) Leap into Summer!

Welcome to June! What are your plans?

Do you love the hot humid iced tea swilling summers or will we not see you till October?

Garden Update

All the peaches fell to the cicadas. But all 25 crowns of purple passion asparagus are already coming up. Squash plants are making little yellow patty pans. Potato plants are flowering, and maybe making potatoes. Okra is gaining speed but no where near production yet. We harvested he kale. Remember all the Cherokee Purple tomato seedlings? The sturdiest ones were transplanted in the garden, and some are almost a foot tall. But they still seem behind, compared to other years. Other tomatoes.

Have you had years like that? What did you plant this year?

The last of the sugar snap peas are being enjoyed in a salad. Did you know you can eat the tender shoots and the flowers too?

Writing Updates

I am thrilled to tell you that I was invited to be Author of the Day on June 5th on the Global Girls Online Bookclub. Come join me! Lots of interesting conversations will be had. They are on Facebook and Instagram. This book club features authors from around the world. At present there are 10,000 plus members.

I’ve been asked to contribute a Mothers and Daughters story to the site, Eat, Darling, Eat. I’ll keep you posted.

Another story of mine: “How Did the Bread of Dreams Come To Be?” will be featured on Women’s Writer’s, Women’s Books on June 9th. This group is headed up by Barbara Bos, who lives and writes in a beautiful old village in Galicia, Spain. You can read some her evocative posts on Vilage Life here.

The Bread of Dreams Cookbook

Tales of the Mistress, A Novel

Cafe Galerie in Poudenas

Travel Update

I am so excited to tell you, start packing.

C’est si Bon! is offering adults a very special trip to France!

September 13th - 22nd

“Nestled in the heart of Gascony, your charming vacation home in Poudenas offers a serene retreat with picturesque views, a refreshing pool, and scenic trails to explore. Delight in the region’s culinary treasures as you embark on a journey through the vibrant markets and savor the authentic flavors of Southwestern France.”

Reach out to your trip leaders for more information!

Erick Snover (Executive Chef of C’est si Bon!)


Abbie Nichols (C’est si Bon!’s Program Director)

Don’t miss this Taste the Advenure for Adults in gorgeous Gascony this September.

There will be the most exquisite markets and unbelievable Indulgences in Gascony's renowned culinary delights, including foie gras, duck confit, and a variety of cheeses, paired with local wines and Armagnac.

Abbie out an-about!
Erick in France
Dorette Snover